Cow on the mountain

on 10 September 2007

Was there really 21 items on that last list? I feel like I am carrying the proverbial cow up the mountain at the moment. Though its my dumb cow. I can put it down if I want to. Right? But I don't want to put my cow down...not at the foot of the mountain...I want to get up there! I want to see some adapt and overcome action going on here. Ever notice how anytime you want to start feeling sorry for yourself you can find at least 6 dozen odd folks with wagons way more full of rocks than your own? IT kills my whinefest everytime. It blows. I'd just as soon whine a little...nah I guess not really...I mean--it isn't very efficient...I like doing it here because I can look at the crap in black and white and say to myself self, "oh for chrissakes-- get over yourself woman! Do what you have to do and quit bellyaching...Don't make me come in there..."

Okay I am glad I had this nice little chat with myself.


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