Rest day

on 22 May 2008

Hope, mid-sloppy ass burpee

It's getting hot in Texas.

Freaking hot.
Not Iraq hot, but hot without the extra 20 degrees,80 pounds of gear, sandstorms, Kevlar, flies...wait...darnit...I'm killing my whine.

Let me go at this again:

It's getting riduculously civilian hot here in Texas.

The gym I workout at is not air conditioned and our runs are on the street in the hood or barrio I guess it would be better to describe.

My friend Mike gives me workouts to do on off days though I have been recently told to take more rest days. Rest days. I'm a mother of four...what the heck is a rest day? Okay I get it. No working out. The domestic stuff is a given though.

Tuesday I was at the local track.

The workout is to run 220s and between each one you do a burpee, ten to be exact until you have run enough 220s that you have done 100 burpees.

I do this workout.

I think unkind things about the workout designer.

I pick the goatheads from the grass next to the track out of my knees.


Mike was right.

It was a killer workout.
Just one eeensy problem with killer workouts.

You don't want them back to back.

Murphy's law prevailed.

I get to the gym Wednesday and I see another monster workout on the board.

880 run with weights

21 goblet squats

21 pushups


then--the warm down.
such as it was:
10 kettlebell swings
1 burpee
9 kettlebell swings
2 burpees
8 kettlebell swings
3 burpees

and so on until

it's 1 kettlebell and 10 burpees

Did I mention it was hot?
It's hot.
HOT, I tell ya!

Those 880s were with the weights.

Hope was still torn up from Tuesday's WOD the day before.

Hope fertilized some bushes on one of her 880s.
Hope must still be messed up or she wouldn't be referring to herself in the 3rd person.

Today I am exploring...nay...embracing the concept of a rest day.


hippyhappyhay said...

Lol. Yes, REST day means REST!

Tiffane said...

Just run and/or work abs (or do nothing) on the days off from Crossfit. Your body needs a chance to build that muscle rather than tax it some more where it doesn't heal.

You've got the rest of your life to do this. (ha ha ha - penance) No point in trying to do so much all at once.

Linda and her Twaddle said...

As hard as it is, it is worth every drop of sweat. I take two days off each week from exercise or I get tooooo tired.

Hope said...

Hippy- who are we kidding here really? there is NO such thing as a rest day. I looked it up. It's total fabrication.

Hope said...

Tiff- there's that whole slow down thing's going to take chemicals I'm afraid.

Hope said...

Linda- I love it. It's illogical but well there you go. Now you know why I love it.

thewishfulwriter said...

um, that's not a work out. that's what i like to call MISERY OUT.

for realz. :)

NerdyRedneck Rob said...

>>Hope fertilized some bushes on one of her 880s.<<

My football coach used to call that "Feeding the dogs". When it was time to run he would bellow out, "Time to feed the dogs ladies!" :)

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