on 17 May 2008

We were supposed to go to Dallas yesterday, but wound up with car trouble so we came back late last night.

I'll get on with a 4 children in a stationwagon post later. Timing is off-- too many deadlines and irons in the fire at the moment.

Let's just say for now that when the kids weren't peeling the skin off my eardrums with:
"Are we there yets?,
"Aww man, do we have to go homes?
I hate this stupid cars"

(in that order)

and just after I strapped them all the the ski rack,

I had time to ruminate about whether this milproject is going to get funded or not. I thought about it waaaaay too much.

I got home and immediately jumped online to see if someone had left word...surely after being gone all day there'd be a good chance of word.


Late in the evening, I mentioned the aggravation to a more pragmatic friend who slapped my white knuckled hands away and said,
"Did you do everything you could?
Alright then,it's out of your hands.
Go Jesus!"

Go Jesus.

It cracked me up.

and I needed a good laugh.

Man, I can get wound up.

The secret's out.

Oh yeah and...


PhilippinesPhil said...

Interesting. No one commented? Mention Jesus and everyone shies away... Funny enough, the guy's name who drove me to the VA in Manila yesterday is Jesus. I didn't shy away one bit.

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