PIck up line

on 20 May 2008

So I'm coming back from Cross Fit in Houston and stop into a Kroger to pick up a few things on the way home in that sweaty, dirty, scuffed up, rumpled post Cross Fit state that leaves you too tired to care if you are publicly sweaty, dirty, scuffed up or rumpled.

I'm in the very glamorous pet food aisle reaching on my tiptoes for a few pouches of cat food-which I take to the newspaper mama who gives me coupons to shop with- and I hear this male voice behind me:

"I'd help you reach for those, but that would mean I would have to stop watching you reach for it."


or as a friend said even more succinctly:


Here's an unfortunate individual who tries to put the moves on 40 year old women in the cat food section of a grocery store. I could make a few more lewd and derogatory comments about that, but I will exert some self control...at least more than this guy did.

Okay and because inquiring minds will want to know.

A little younger
dark eyes and hair
and fairly good looking.

too bad the lame ass, ill conceived line cancelled all that stuff out.


Michael said...

You should have strung him along and got that clown to load your whole cart for you. You're losing your touch Hope.

Peggy Sez.. said...

Good News:
You still got "it"

Better News:
You could have whipped his ass if he had gotten huffy about NOT getting "it"

Hope said...

Mike-I could have, I suppose, but that would have been too easy and since when do I do anything easy?

and by the way, boy, my touch is just fine, thank you, well honed and not to be used frivolously.

Hope said...

Peg- seriously, you crack me up. Like I said before... you ever come to Texas... :)

Chris said...

You could always try what this lady did. Seemed to work for her.


PhilippinesPhil said...

Are you mad coz you think he might not have been being serious, or because you think he was?

I would kill to have some young hotty make a line like that at me. I'd be telling all my friends too, just like YOU ARE DOING!

I'm onto you Missy!

Hope said...

Chris- strip naked in the catfood aisle huh? ummmmmmm...NO.

Tiffane said...

ROFL - I love it!

Linda and her Twaddle said...

Enjoy them compliments whilst you can - they get less and less. And then you will be INVISIBLE.

Hope said...

Phil- do not make me swim over there, boy.

Hope said...

Linda- whaddayamean "will be?"

PhilippinesPhil said...

I like Linda's "invisible" line; I've felt invisible in the US ever since I can remember. American women are either too picky (as far as I'm concerned...grin), too shallow (that's my story and I'm sticking to it), or too afraid to show even a passing interest (just in case the guy is a serial killer). Over here, I can go to the mall and even I can catch the occasional interested eye and extract a beautiful smile. God bless the Philippines.

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