Thank you

on 16 September 2008

Dear Officers, Deputy Sheriffs & Linemen,

I'm sorry you have to serve sorry ass, self entitled whiners.

I'm sorry you have to listen to self-absorbed, unprepared wastes of space who refuse to do anything about their predicament, but make sarcastic, unkind remarks about how you are doing your job.

I'm sorry you have to put up with that in lieu of looking after the homes you lost or that were damaged.

I'm sorry you can't be with your wife or husband taking care of the needs your family has.

I'm sorry people have so little number sense they can't get what 4.3 million people out without power really means.

I'm sorry you have to grit your teeth and let all the nasty comments about where you should really be or what you should be doing and not give some of these folks, barely evolved past apes, a piece of your mind or at the very least a well deserved punch in the mouth.

I want to thank you for standing out in a store parking lot to make sure people get in safely and fairly.

I want to thank you for standing out in the middle of a busy intersection with no water directing traffic for hours at a time.

I want to thank you for pulling double shifts, sleeping at work and eating out of cans and boxes so there are enough of you to man a work crew or patrol for looters round the clock.

I want to thank you for stopping to help that little old lady down the street get her groceries out of the car and taking the branches off the playground equipment so the kids in the neighborhood could play.

I want you to thank you for answering the same damn questions over and over without passing out from exasperation. Surely you risk neurons working with some of us.

You all hear a lot in a day, but somehow I don't think you hear enough thank yous.


Thank you.


Ang said...

Well put and beautifully written. Thanks for that - I wish everyone who has ever served in any such capacity after a disaster would read this.

thewishfulwriter said...

Yep. You can add my thank you to that mix too.


Erin said...

Preach it, sistah!

There are a lot of clueless people floating around right now.

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