If this post is to make too much sense and you haven't read my last post you may want to bone up now:::snort:::that verb choice will be even more relevant in a minute.


So while on the phone with a friend today my new foraging habits come up and I explain about my recent acquisition of magazines still sitting in their box this morning next to my desk.

She asks something like, "So what are you doing now?

"Oh I'm putting new covers on these mags so they know what they have."


"Because, the bookstore rips all the covers off before they throw them out."

"So? They can figure it out."

"So, I'm OCD. Okay? I want it to be easy for my Marines to look through them."

"Well are you coming to park day?"

"Oh yeah. I'll just take this box along and finish it there."

"Well hurry up!"

So off I go to Park Day with my big box of magazines.

I'm a little late and most of the mamas are there and make a hole for me at the table to lay the box down.

Much curiousity ensues. Some get up to look in themselves and those that read my blog go "ohhhhh...are those are the magazines?


More chattering ensues.

"Hope, where are the kids?"

"Huh? Oh...they're in the car. They gave me a full 20 of minutes of pissing and moaning on the way over about something or the other and wouldn't stop when I told them to--- so now I am taking 20 minutes from their park day."

As I am explaining and the mamas are laughing at me, I am taking crap out of the box, not paying a lot of attention and still yammering away when I notice one of my mama friends .

"Uhhh--Hope. Uhhhh. (rapid finger flicking)...what is that?"


I look down and in my hands is a PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE. I remember looking at it, looking at her... A BUNCH of mamas heads whipping around...I dropped it like it was something out of the oven and me without my mitts.

Mama friend said again, "WHAT IS THAT?!"

Heh heh hehuuumph...yuh...pretty embarassing...well crap I didn't know it was in there?!?!?! None of that stuff had covers on it...I told the mama I had been on the phone with earlier, who was laughing the loudest, "Yeah yuk it up! You are the one who thought we should just send them as is, remember?" She just laughed louder.

So we sit there all clustered around and looking at the box, wondering what to do next when another mama comes up to sit and says, "Oh are those the magazines you were talking about..?"

"Uh huh..."
"Whadja get?"

"Ummmm...(looking around at the other mamas...shrug)go ahead and take a look."

She looks in, sees the porn and PICKS THE MAGAZINE UP OUT OF THE BOX. I looked around to see where the kids were.... She starts looking at every picture and I swear other mamas were craning and giggling-- I was cracking up.

"What are you doing?!"

"What? Haven't you all looked at this yet...oh lookit THAT......"

I coulda crawled under a rock.

Luckily there was not anymore of that kind of thing in the box, but I felt like part of an ordinance detachment going through the rest of it. I was sweating man...s-w-e-a-t-i-n-g...

So all the covers get replaced and labeled and the day all and all was pretty nice--considering..::eyeroll::.

Fast forward to eveningtime...

When I get home. I am late and Tony wants to know how the day went. The look on my face prompted a "What?" from him.

"Ummm, Tony, remember that box of magazines? "

"Yeah... what about it?"

"Well--- uhhh let's just say there were some unusual magazines in there and I inadvertantly shared them with 10 of my closest friends."

His ears perk up, he knew EXACTLY what I was talking about...well not exacty....but he sure thought he did..."Oh yeah?- insert big dirty grin and dancing eyes here- "Wherezit at?!"

"It's in the car, but..."...my voice trails off and I start to snicker...

ZIP...too late anyway...he's out the door...(ok so I didn't try TOO hard to stop him heeeeee)

He comes back in a couple minutes later and booms..."Hope! That sh** ain't right. That just AIN'T RIGHT.

Should I mention now that my dear husband is big on personal retribution?


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