Rude, Crude

on 11 May 2009

There is nothing to see here today, but an effort to lighten up from the last post-40, angst ridden noise from yesterday. (If you leave nasty comments, I won't be answering so be forewarned before reading on.)I pre-apologize for any emotional agitation which might be instigated by my going straight for the rude, crude,cheap, unladylike,trashy, absurd, sarcastic, unpolitically correct, in poor taste, offensive, insensitive, immoral kind of fare we all get in our inboxes from time to time and never put on our blogs.

Well...some of us do and those that do, feel free to share it with your own readers.

Yeah, yeah.

You're welcome.

I have to say these last two seriously cracked me up.
Enjoy the rest of your Monday!

live, love, breath, hope.


Dana said...


T said...

I second the *gigglesnort* because I have a cold and everything is coming out my nose.

Rude? Crude? Unladylike? You betcha.

These are freakin' hilarious. Thanks Hope!

Wow, that was awkward said...

Not seeing the rude or crude part. But thanks for the smiles.

JohnH985 said...

Thank you for those. I've been having a really really bad day and unfortunately it's not ending anytime soon, but I cracked up reading your post. Thanks again.

mnwhr said...

That parenting one is perfect

Southern Sage said...

Does it surprise you that emails you receive from some specific people are...rude, crude,cheap, unladylike,trashy, absurd, sarcastic, unpolitically correct, in poor taste, offensive, insensitive??

Some people have no class!

coffeypot said...

God Dammit! Now I have to clean up my keyboard because you caused me to spew my coffee at the online dating one. I may have to copy (steal) some of these when I get through cleaning up the mess.

g-man said...

I think they were all pretty funny!!! I could relate to most of them! (Especially parenting)

Hope said...

Dana--I thought the same thing. A friend sent them when I was having a moment.

T--ME,TOO! It hurt to laugh. I had to hold my head! lol

Wow--**shaking head at you** it's cause youre a DUUUUUDE. lol

Hope said...

John-- That's why my friend sent them to me and yep they did the trick.

Mnwhr--ain't it though? heehee...a girl can dream...

Sage--nooooooooooo, I'm not surprised at all. Given the origin not. one. bit!

Hope said...

Coffeypot--I bert if you thought reaaaaaaaaaaally hard you'd figure out where I got them. heehee

Gman--me, too...well cept for the boobs...the picture in a general sense yeah, boobs, no...

Southern (in)Sanity said...

Those are hilarious.

Travis said...

Sorry...I got distracted by the most excellent ta-tas.

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