Armed Forces Day

on 16 May 2009

In honor of all veteran and current military personnel and their families.

A very Happy Armed Forces Day!


Travis said...

Snapping to, throwing salute.

Each and every one has my eternal gratitude, and that extends to all the families as well.

coffeypot said...

Great video, Hope. On my return trip from NY I spend my Armed Forces Day by listened to the audio book "Lone Survivor" by Marcus Luttrell, another good ole’ Texas boy. It was a sobering read about a SEAL team. Three Navy Cross’s and the MOH for their efforts. Sixteen men died trying to save them, too. God bless those who do this stuff. Everyday is Armed Forces Day to me.

Dana said...

This is a holiday I'm not sure most people are even aware of - unless you've served or are a family member of someone who has. Actually, this was always my favorite day when I was in as it really was a celebration of service - packed with fun stuff and family events!

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