Kilo Marines...

on 20 December 2007

Today's word: Preoccupied. Here are some of the guys I and some other mamas support in Iraq. I thought it was high time for another Marine post...yeah...that's it--I never worry about these jarheads...

Merry Christmas, Kilo boys. We are thinking of you in Texas.

This is LCpl "King".

Proud 1Sgt with 'ZOOM' at his promotion to Cpl. Matthew can't pronounce his real last name and this one has kinda stuck...

Cpl 'ZOOM' being inspirational-- work those stripes, Marine!

1Sgt at a Kilo Company formation

1Sgt with his XO

1Sgt with his Captain, a couple of members of Kilo Gentelman's Club, enjoying a good cigar and some rest and relaxation at the end of a long day.

'Weemer' with some grenade launchers. Matthew mangles his name, too.

Another one of my Kilo boys out on patrol. Matthew says his name perfectly and until I get a call sign for him for OPSEC reasons we will just say he's one squared away Marine. Speaking of squared away Marines...1Sgt Living Barrier against the Forces of Evil..


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