Sunday Secrets & More Blog Pimps

on 21 December 2008

NONE of my shopping is done!
I've never waited this late in the season.
I got nothin'.

I need to move my ass.

I also should have came clean with the hubster and said:
"Hell yes, I want to exchange gifts."
I don't care WHAT gift.
It's the thought process I want.
I won't though.
I always get stuck in this situation.

More on my blog reads.
First one is Linda.
She is one of my first blogs I remember reading.
She's out of Australia.
With a fine eye for detail, she takes you where she goes.

Clarity of prose

You find all that on her blog.

Where Karma Meets Camera is another place I like to visit.

With Linda you see the picture she paints with her minds eye.

With JustHay you see the pics she paints with her Nikon.


Not only that, but like Linda, she also posts in an honest, introspective way with gentle humor at the perils of motherhood, her love for all things Jack Black and her day to day life in New Zealand.

My last pimp, Ramblings of an Earthmama, is someone I also know in real life. She has since moved away so we don't see each other much anymore, but we started blogging about the same time (she may have started earlier???) and share some history.

She would call herself morbidly intense.


She is.

It takes one to know one.

We also share a love of Ann LaMott, fried chicken, potato chips and wine.

I am never unsurprised at her willingness to dig deep and she has a way of offering things to others that gives comfort and provokes thought.


Okay, that's it for now.

More blogs tomorrow.

I have to go work on some projects as I get ready for life in Iraq.

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday.


Jay said...

You haven't even started Christmas shopping? Yeah, you might consider going ahead and getting on that. ;-)

Hope said...

Jay--I know...sigh...Tomorrow'll be interesting to say the very least!

Linda and her Twaddle said...

Hope, thank you for pimping me.

Now, get out there and shop. While you are there, could you do the rest of mine as well? And wrap them for me?

Hope said...

Linda-Welcome mama!!! oh holy crap...I forgot about the wrapping...sigh.I need to get to the liquor store.

Matt-Man said...

I'm ahead of schedule. I'll have my shopping done in one day...tomorrow. Good luck getting everything together. Cheers Hope!!

Anndi said...

I'm not done either... I have to big stuff, but do you know how much stuff is needed to fill a pre-teen girl's stocking?


Also, since I get to see mah Honey for NYE, I'll shop for him later. Thank goodness...

Loz said...

I'm glad to report that I finished yesterday :)

Travis said...

We wrapped up our holiday shopping on Sunday. How did we do that, you ask, when we've been snowed in?

The interwebs!!!

Selected, purchased, shipped, done.

justhay said...

Awww, thanks love!

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