Job hunting

on 27 July 2008

So I have spent the last few days looking for a job.

I thought about taking one with KBR as an MWR Morale Welfare Recreation coordinator overseas, working as a land agent or as an insurance adjuster-- all very lucrative,e but not conducive to motherhood, though I suspect that I'm not doing a particularly good job in that department anyway so a break from Mom might not have been such a bad idea, but I digress. what I have come up with is a job at a sports bar.
I can
work at night and on weekends,
I don't have to sit still
and I don't need a porkchop tied around me neck
so folks will play with me.

There you have it.
I'm taking
my $80,000 education,
stellar personality,
razor sharp mind,
and moving from wiping toddler ass at night to wiping tables...It just keeps getting better and better around here.


Peggy Sez.. said...

Ahh yes ...But toddlers asses don't come with tips.

hippyhappyhay said...

I worked at Subway woman!

(And I freakin' loved it!)

thewishfulwriter said...

I'm job hunting myself and it isn't my most favorite thing to do. It's actually pretty stressful. I'm very particular when it comes to jobs and I can't really afford to be. I try to play head games with an attempt to think of my search as exciting and "who knows where it could lead!" i clearly need a new plan.

or i need to win the lottery.

good luck with your search!

Hope said...

peg--true true...I bet I still wind up cleaning up barf though...

Hippy--hey it's all good...sorta--I mean for me. :)

WW--good luck mama. you'll find something great I bet!

LanaTron said...

Right there with ya, mama. We hear from Luby's either today or tomorrow, and depending on how that comes out, I'm headed to apply at...the grocery? *SIGH*

Funny, though, how wiping tables out side your own home has societal value--meaning you get paid for it--but caring for your toddler doesn't. Which is truly more valuable to society?

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