Recent display of maleness

on 28 February 2008

Kroger grocery store
Frozen food, people, FROZEN FOOD.
10 am.
2 kids in the cart
2 kids walking
We round a corner from icecream into the snack aisle and there they are.
These magazines sitting in their own little rack...ack I can't believe I just used the word rack...
oh and hey, this is not moral commentary.
Think of this more as a brief study of the Y chromosome.
Immediate feedback from my most recently weaned?
"Oooooooooooooooooooo...doz are niiiiiice neenees...dey gots candy on dem."
The look on this kid's face was as close to bliss as I have ever seen.
You know, of course, comments like this are always really loud AND made when Dad is not there...though I guess it wouldn't have been any better to have Dad there trying to stifle his appreciation and secret satisfaction in this most recent display of maleness in his offspring.
Nursing my children was for health and attachment reasons...
uh huh...
I think there have been some other results I hadn't taken into consideration.


KA said...

omg... cant.../
laughing!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

teeni said...

LOL. Great post! Too funny. I am stumbling this. I also like the word neenees. I hadn't heard that one before. Kids are certainly a bottomless pit of embusement - that's a mix of amusement and embarassment at the same time. ;)

Peggy Sez.. said...

OMG! Laughinglaughinglaughinglaughing...Wait let me catch my breath..OK..
Well it DOES look like candy!

hippyhappyhay said...

Heehee, only thing that could of made that better was if a prudish old lady was within earshot. Love it!

CI-Roller Dude said...

Hope, I think that's a very nice necklace...don't you?
the model looks a little bolimic though.

earthmama said...

that's my favoritest matthew line of allllllll time...

and it wasn't the size of the neenees, was all about the amount of the candy on those necklaces!!! :)

Hope said...

kat---yeah just wait...sooner or later the turn will be

Hope said...

peg--it was pretty freaking funny...his two big bros were laughing so hard they knocked heads...

Hope said...

Teeni...embusement...good word...thanks mama!

Hope said...

hippy--my head was toatlly focused on the contents of my basket...for all I know there WAS a prudish old lady...

Hope said... boys read SI for the jewlery and I am going to make sure I only believe this woman has never delivered a child otherwise I may have to take up drinking again...

Hope said...

earthmama---if he wasn't his father's son I'd almost believe that...ack.

june cleaver said...

You know... that model has nursed 4 kids. I am just sayin...

Hope said...

cris--ack say it ain't so...

KA said...

...who the hell said I was ever gonna have kids?

Oswegan said...

Candy and neenee's, now that's heaven for a kid.

Peggy Sez.. said...

I'm back ..My husband sez(And I quote)..Those ARE nice neenees..Do they come with liquor? To which I replied..You should probably choose the one you can afford. I know..I know..But I still lurve him.. ;p

MizMell said...

Children learn what they live.

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