By our missive

on 26 March 2008

Zen Traveler wrote a piece that bears looking at, no matter where you stand on the war.

Read it.

Everyone has come or is trying to come to their own conclusions where Iraq and Afghanistan are concerned these days. As of last week we begin our sixth year in Iraq. If you haven't come to your own conclusions or formed an opinion yet, there's no time like the present.

I exhort all who are engaged in this endeavor to look for your information from those who have lived and seen the situation and not from mainstream media types who obviously must astrally project themselves from Baghdad hotels to the front lines and then have massive hallucinations just prior to filing a story.

Go to the mil blogs.

Read what folks with boots on the ground are saying.

Read the blogs on their blog rolls.

Ask them questions.

If you aren't familiar with mil blogs ,Thunder Run makes it a point to gather dispatches. It's a great place to start.

Trust me, these perspectives won't be homogeneous or collective in thought.

Think critically for yourself.

Look at Michael Yon and Michael Totten.
Have a look at folks like Obsidian Wings and Lt. Nixon Rants.

Read Matt Sanchez and news sources like Pajama Media.

Like any source, there will be frames of reference, case in point--the first two are from imbedded INDEPENDENT journalists in Iraq. The last two I mention are more conservative in view. Ob Wings and Nixon are moderate. This is the great thing about cyberspace and a Google button, all you need is a desire to know, your very own search words and you'll find more sources than you could ever read.

Most important is to just do your reading then form an opinion for yourself by yourself.

Don't belly up to the MSM bar and grill and allow yourself to be force fed prepackaged commercial fare from the latest PC menu. It's a disservice to our troops in country and to you.

A while back a video floated around, poignant in picture and word. I am putting it up here because it, coincidentally, re landed in my inbox this morning just after I went to visit Zen Traveler. Given the serendipity, I couldn't NOT post it. It dovetails well with what my own position is. (Isn't it cool how when you blog you get to have one of those?) Heck I guess you don't have to blog have a position, but I like the platform and visiting other blogs and reviewing other writer's positions, helps clarify my own.

This musician named Dustin makes it very clear with his work how our troops there ARE invested in their mission and that we should be equally invested in knowing what is going on ourselves.

After all, these men and women are there by our government's missive and our government is doing what it is doing by ours.


PhilippinesPhil said...

Good send Hope... I just commented on ZT's post. So when you going over to Recycled Thoughts like you promised so you can help me in my debates with that misguided Iowan? I'm the only one that argues with him. He's got nothing but the choir to chat with currently. Let's flip some skirts over there dude; I mean dudette.

Hope said...

:::slapping forehead:::
doh...It totally slipped my mind. I left a comment.

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