
on 21 June 2008

I'm all about tools for social change...except when it comes to scare tactics targeted at audiences whos' sons and daughters are usually not in the demographic who serve our nation in the first place. That shield back chair in the corner there you won't find in a house in the 5th ward or off of Navigation Street.

These folks at Moveon count on nice sheep citizenry easily scared out of thinking for themselves. They are just as manipulative as they accuse their conservative counterparts of being.

I won't rant and rave...
I was out too late,
there's a brutal 1st Sgt workout to squeeze in before it gets ridiculously hot,

relatives to visit
and birthday parties to go to,
but I will give you a link to someone who laid it out there quite well Lt. Nixon.

Bottom line.
Think for yourself and find others that do, too.
Don't just belly up to the trough.
It may taste good, but it'll just make you fat--well... and stupid.


LanaTron said...

Even I, Hope, was disgusted by this video! I saw only a short blurb on CNN, but I wanted to barf. Just as the hard core Right has taken over the term "Christian" and defined it for the rest of us, the hard core Left has taken over liberalism and defined it in a way that can be quite embarassing. Guess I'll have to start saying I'm a "centrist," and let them fight for my vote.

CI-Roller Dude said...

Nobody wants their kid to die in a war... I don't want me to. What we need to do as a country is make sure the wars we START are legal and just. History, not us, will decide that.
Most parents also don't know, their sons and daughters will join the military if they want to...once they are 18 we have no control over them... Some will join and some won't. We only want those who are willing to pick up arms and do what needs to be done when it must be done.

Thinking Sage said...

Amen sister
people must be very careful how they vote!

Anonymous said...

Her premise is false, that she owns her son. Her son will have his own conscience when he is of age.

PhilippinesPhil said...

I raised all my kids to be future warriors, to get their butts up on the wall when the time comes. Just goes to show you that Obama is all about raising a bunch of pansy ass European-like wimps whose young people in every poll state that their countries aren't worth fighting for. They make their own point.

When you join "the suck" you don't get to pick your wars. You take the ones you get. You think Obama is gonna keep us only in "just" wars, what ever that is? Fat chance. He'll do what Clinton did, gut us, and use us up.

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