I've reached critical mass on the homefront.
Kids are on some kind of parent hating crack.
Insurance company is about to bend me over the couch on a claim. Fine. It's insurance I won't rank on that. But I will insist on picking the guy, and demand he bring me flowers and buy me dinner first. Damn it.
I have GOT to get back in the gym. I've been slacking in the worst way. A good pounding is in order. Physical, I mean. State Farm is taking care of the rest.
I could give one hairy rat's tookus what Michelle Obama's favorite food is. How does Pakistan and nuclear security, Holbrooke's testimony or the Taliban spokesperson, Zabiullah Mujahid's, interview this morning rate following that kind of noise on CNN? I don't think I will ever wrap my mind around the fact that we as a people are such sheep, news directors can pull this crap. WHO CARES? If you felt just as dirty watching that, go look at one of these blogs and bring yourself up to speed-- maybe save a few brain cells. Registan.net Ghosts of Alexander Or check out the link at the top of the middle column called War on Terror News. Go ahead. I dare you.
**Deep breath**
In an interest of regaining a semblance of composure and giving this post some sort of legitimacy, let me end it in a different tone. Whining, pissing and moaning will only take me so far. (Granted, the drink at lunch will have helped with my attitudinal re-direction.)
I need some sheets for twin beds. Three sets actually. Four, if I can get them. Laundry service in the Sandbox is pretty tough on fabric and sleeping on rough is not so fun, especially when you've worked in rough all day. Any kind of super hero type sheet and or comforter sets would put some big grins on a few jarheads faces I know. If you don't want to send and just feel like throwing money at me, that would be completely cool, too.
I can also use macadamia nuts, a protein called Monster Milk (look for link in middle column) some Amazon gift cards, coffee beans and good socks and undies (no, not for me. gheesh.)
Let's fix it so someone can have a good day OKAY? ok.
Oh yeah, before I forget.
Travis and Gman, here's your present.
I would love to help you but since I am sure you are more in tune with what these guys need/want I am just going to throw money at you, ok? Is this too much of a cop out?
Hope, you changed your format and confused the heck out of me. I can't wait to retire from both of my jobs so I can smoke Medical Marijuna (it's legal in Calif.)
Try giving your kids some weed the next time they give you a hard time...come to think of it, try it on the insurance pukes....mellow them assholes out a little.
Now, WTF was I writing about???? oh yeah, some peoppplelle thinkkks thattt medikal maryjane isn't two good four you...oh, crap, I forgot what I was riting about again...
Oh Roller Dude, you're such a pothead. You'll just have to get out of CA when you retire, dude. ;)
Ok Hope, you needs sheeeeeets? superhero sheeets?
We can do that...
Where have you been woman? and what exactly has that ins man done to ya.
call me.
make sure to hold out for a movie and something sparkly Hope. On the donation front, are there shows I could DVR for them again? Do they want the commercials forwarded over or would they like to see them (a little bit of home you know)?
Hope, thank you for your assistance in seeing that Mike gets the bumper stickers, though he probably has seen them before. I was going to contact you to find out about what Mike and the grunts need and how to get it to them, so thanks for the hints. If you will email me how to do it I would appreciate it. (johnjudyc@att.net)
Oh! Enjoy being bent over the couch. It can be quiet pleasurable if done right (especially from the insurance man’s perspective.)
Sending you good vibes on the insurance thing and perhaps soon the kiddies will chill out a bit.
Bummer on the insurance front, I am having my own issues with that particular institution. I also found out that I can access my workouts online. My gym is now connected with Fitlinxx. Now I just need to go.
LOL @ super-hero sheets, maybe some GI Joe! :)
Thanks for the lovely present, just what I always wanted, you know if I weren't already married to the most perfect wife :)
Mmmmmmmmm...thanks very much for the lovely present.
Hooo Whee! That was all over the place. Cool! Its like climbing up inside that pretty little head...