I have been a very bad blogger on Hope Radio.
No spankings necessary.
I have lots of reasons.
Wanna hear them?
Good I'll tell you anyway.
One: Been busy building Castra Praetoria for my bro, Mike. He's a pain in my ass the perfect little brother. Go see though. It's a great site, if I don't say so myself. Of course, I will say so, but go anyway. Leave comments. He whines if he doesn't get them likes those.
Two: Wound licking. Plain and simple. Not going to Iraq to work, quitting my job, being home with waaaaay too much time on my hands...you there privy, just shhhhhhhh, k? The money was supposed to buy your silence. 'Member? Don't make me use my mean face.
Three: HTML hell. Where this abomination of man is concerned, I am one glasslicking, helmet wearing, short school bus riding individual. Throw in forty-one year old hormonal fluctuations and you have the making of a miniseries or a lawsuit for my gross lack of political correctness by description.
Four: Four words: Science fair times three. I've trademarked it as the next chemical free form of birthcontrol. "You want what, honey? Here let me show you these clever display boards..."Yep. Feel free to thank me now. When I'm famous I won't have time to accept your gratitude. So. It was ugly. We as parents managed to avoid felony convictions. We solaced ourselves with plans to make it all look like an accident.
Well and we drank.
Then just 'cause so the Universe likes to keep us honest, two of three brought home first place ribbons. Little fu...
Five: Gearing up on the milsupport thing again. I had closed up shop on that and while I don't have as many people to shake down ask for help as I did before as a homeschooler, I did put up a Paypal button. I'll be writing more about this soon. There are telltale signs up on the blog as to the who and what we will be doing, but I'll save that for tomorrow.
Six: Jay and Dana. I've been all cracked out on social media. It's their fault, the pushers! Jay introduced Twitter and Facebook and Dana delivered the death blow a few posts later. It you haven't, you oughta. I won't even try to explain Tweetdeck, but duuuude--you gotta check it out.
Seven: I was in D.C. at a milblog conference. Talk about FUN. It was really awesome to meet people I had read or talked to online for in many cases at least a couple of years. At one point a video website, pulled me aside to do an interview regarding Castra Praetoria. Ugh. If I knew I looked and sounded like that I'd never leave the house. Blech. Still though it was like hanging out with rockstars. I also got to see an old university doormate/friend who lives in DC. The only down side to the whole thing aside from the video mugging was that I didn't get to really look around. I was in the hotel most of the time attending sessions.
There were other excuses reasons I had, but I accidentally deleted this post and I have to get going around here. My girl is getting her First Communion today. Sigh. Yet ANOTHER post. Still not sure how I'm going with that.ha.

It was met with a loving reply imbued with the spirit of jarhead sharing and generosity:
"If that little troll eats my trash, I'll down him."
PS. There was a casualty when I switched templates--well aside from font size and bolding issues I put in for help on...if you comment...would you comment and leave me your URLs for my blogroll? Pretty please? It will make things a little faster to put ya'll back up. TIA! xo
Castra Praetoria,
little Guy,
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Good to have you back...now stay put.
'course we missed ya.
You better tell little britches to make a run for it before Uncle Mike buries him up to his neck in the sand...with a brownie j u s t within smelling distance...
Run little dude, run!!!
Welcome back!
Following instructions, here is my url.
I take no responsibility for your Twitter addiction, but it is kind of fun, isn't it??
Welcome back!
damn ur 41??????????????
well thats only 5 in dog years so your good! I always use dogs years, I like it better!
I love your new page. Nice to see you back. The work you have been doing has been great.
Goes to show ya Can't keep a good woman down.
You are doing a great job with Castra Praetoria...the page looks great!
Welcome back. Science projects can be such a hassle. I'm impressed that you did three, and everyone make it out alive. :)
@Wreggie--Yes, Sir! ;)
@J--Little Britches doesn't seem to be too worried about "Buhk" He contends possession is 9/10ths the law and it toatlly applies to brownies.
Travis--You and Gman get a prize for following directions! lol Check back!
@Dana--Yes. OMG. lol
@SS--Yup 41. It's sad really. To be this old and only now just kinda getting it.
@Linda--Thank you! I see you are visiting Mike's page too. Good. He's likin the whole comment thing. haha.
@Dana--Yes. OMG. lol
@SS--Yup 41. It's sad really. To be this old and only now just kinda getting it.
@Linda--Thank you! I see you are visiting Mike's page too. Good. He's likin the whole comment thing. haha.
@ Kat--Liking your page, too, mama!
@ Red--Well thanks for stopping by there. Like I told Linda, Mike lurvs the comments, but I'm not supposed to tell anyone. *grin* We'll have to keep that just 'tween us.
@Gman--You and Trav get a present for following directions.