
on 30 March 2009

I'm going way random here for a while--blog dates, topics and posting schedules be damned...so many things in my head...yeah...freaking scary right there.

I should stop. RIGHT. NOW.


  • Like this song...it's gotta pretty guitar line I think...the guy's kinda a weinie. I mean, if you want your woman freakin' take her, quit yer whining to music, you're ruining it for me.
  • While Iraq is out of the question, I was on the horn to some folks with work in Afghanistan today...hmmmm.
  • Thank you bloggers who went over to see Mike and say hello, Muchas Gracias. I owe you a Margarita. Since you aren't here, I'll drink it for you and think warm thoughts. R at Southern (In)sanity and Ann at Transitions. Huge pitchers of Margaritas and nachos for you peeps. Nice to write the 1st Sgt. up on your blog.

I know.


It's just me.

It's. who. I. am.


I'm a giver.

  • Those blogging buddies/IRL peeps who showed up there , (yeah I saw ya) read and never said anything? Quit being weinies and freaking say hello! It's not gonna harelip ya.
  • edit: Hey you lurking bitches! I see you. Quit being pussies and say hi at least. Yes YOU!"


ok ok

not harelip you permanently.

but if it were me, I'd be more afraid of being a permanent pussy than temporarily, facially disfigured.


Southern (in)Sanity said...

What a coincidence ... I am starving and craving Mexican food. Please drive over and deliver those margaritas and nachos. Quickly.

Hope said...

I hate to brag, R, (not really, I brag all the time) I hate to brag but I make really really good Mexican food. Tell 'em, Atlas. Salt or no salt? Frozen or on the rocks?

Linda and her Twaddle said...

Be as random as you like. It is one of the rare human qualities that should be utilised more often in the world.

Hope said...

I am going to have to agree, linda! lol...Hey how are those new pots working out???er...cooking pots I mean. Better clarify. grin.

America's 1st Sgt. said...

I am NOT lurking!

Oh, you didn't mean me.

Sorry! Sorry, carry on. So sorry, just going to click on a link or something. Sorry.

Matt-Man said...

I'd prefer a big glass of whisky, straight up. Cheers Hope!!

Hope said...

Hey Matt...I got Jack is that ok?

Matt-Man said...

Jack will do just fine. Crack open the bottle and begin the body shot fest. Cheers Hope!!

Stark said...

I looooove margaritas and Mex food. Some of the best stuff on earth! Do watch out for Mike though. Quirky Burkey is always lurking around. :) Randomness is good Hope.

Southern (in)Sanity said...

No salt ... and not frozen.

Loz said...

Hi :)

Anndi said...

That song has a "Crash into You" type of guitar line.

I'm with you about the just grab her. I was grabbed in an elevator, my toes curled and mmmmmmmmmmmm

Somehow mama, I'm going to sit at a bar with you and have that drink (or how many fingers am I holding up?)

Hope said...

Stark--I have had a pic of Burke from vacation that was screaming for a tagline...I think you just gave it to me. Do[t worry I'll give you writeer's credit! If you get to Texas you and Noelle and the kiddo need to stop by aso we can compar children..you know see which ones have benn less permanently scarred by Uncle Mike...hehehehe.

Okay Southern--I'm having one early this morning. I'll take your salt.

Loz- Hey Loz! How goes it Down Under?

Ann-- OH HECK yeah! It'll be this year I bet....yeah I bet like Mexican food, Margaritas and a life size picture of Jason Statham sans shirt. Deal?

T said...


And may I please join you for a margarita too?! On the rocks with salt.

Thank you very much.

Anndi said...

Life sized Jason... mmmmmmm

Hope said...

Suuuuuure T! I was just making up a pitcher for Southern this morning...I'm sure he won't mind sharing! He's a giver, too.

Anndi- LMFAO...I answered your other comment before I saw that one..I see the wager is acceptable??? good. good.

g-man said...

but if it were me, I'd be more afraid of being a permanent pussy than temporarily facially disfigured.

LOL That will get 'em! :) Random is as random does.

Stark said...

Ha ha, that's funny hope. Maybe we need an ex-Burke support group for our kids. Dunno, but you, Noelle, and I can discuss over copious amounts of margaritas sometime. Had 2 of 'em tonight as a matter of fact! Noelle made yummy fajitas and of course had to have some 'ritas to wash them down.

Hope said...

Gman---watch if I'm ever famous the only quote that will ver follw me will be about pussies and facial disfigurement...greaaaaaaat.

Stark--I think I answered this on Mike's blog...I forget where I am trying to keep upwith that boy sometimes. You and the fam should definitely get together with ours...shoot me an eamils and I'lls end you some pics...I bet you have some similar ones...ha. **waving madly** Hi! Noelle!!!

mnwhr said...

Now i'm hungry with no options that will be as good as what you made. Life ain't fair.

Travis said...

Can I have mine on the rocks with just a touch of salt please?

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