I'm back!
I know.
My absence left a giant sucking hole in your life.
I'm sorry.
I've been busy this last week helping someone put their new blog together. I spent a great deal of time cussing html code and doing all the other things you do when you set up a blog, which I will mercifully, not be boring you with at this time. Though I do reserve the right to bore you in the future.
While I'm determining when that time may be I'd like you to head over to Castra Praetoria and welcome this Marine to the blogosphere. Leave a comment, heckle, tell him how great I am...you know, whatever... but if he says anything like:
"I wrote this blog because Hope would never ever have forgiven me. If it gives me just a moment of peace, I will blog."
Don't believe him.
Well maybe I sometimes don't give him a moment's peace, but it's not because of the blog. Chewing him out is something I do on general principle. Again I'll save those stories for another time. 

'Course Mike dishes it as well as he takes it. This is a picture from last year, when he came for a visit and more specifically just after my oldest chewed the 1st Sgt out for giving him man boobs. As you can see Mike dished it back quite nicely in the form of chair behavior modification therapy. My favorite thing about this shot is my opportunistic, then three year old with the shovel and a clear shot at his older brother's immobilized head. To this day the children still admonish each other to "man up!" or "shut your piehole" Not that their own jarhead father didn't pass on a few color colloquialisms himself.
I digress...
The first post is a longer than his usual stuff will be and lends some insight into his blog and about what he will be writing . He's already got quite a few pieces in the can and they, if I don't say so myself and will most likely pay privately later on for saying, are pretty damn good!
I found Mike on the www.anymarine.com site and my old homeschool group and I supported a few of his "ninjas" during his last deployment. I remember choosing him even then because of how he wrote that first post. I sent him a letter offering support and my first response was this crazy email to which I responded, "Oh god, I knew you were a character." To which I recieved a reply reading, "Character? Me? Oh, it's on now!" and the hell, if it wasn't.
In a few days he will be headed out again to Iraq with 3rd Bn,3rdMarines. He'll be writing about this deployment as well as other topics as they present themselves.
I'd say other things about his stuff, but he'd just get a big head or be mortified so I won't.
I'm lying.
Here's some more:
He's a finalist for 2008 6 Word Memoirs at Smith magazine and has a piece featured for another one of Smith Magazines writing competitions. It is hilarious! Go see!
That's all I've got.
Don't sit there looking at me.
I'm tired.
It's 20 minutes before the hubs and kids wake up and my butt hurts from sitting in this chair.
Go on!
Say howdy and tell him I sent you, puuuuhleeez!!!!!
Do it for me.
He thinks all my friends are imaginary.
I tell him at least I have those.
Ahhhh, it's like having the brother you never wanted.
Castra Praetoria,
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Thanks Hope! I'm following him now and added him to my blog roll!
Sweet!! I appreciate you passing on the word about him. And for lurking...
Hope's opinions are somewhat biased I think and she never has listened to my advice regarding the closing of pie holes.
My pal Anndi sent me over earlier today. I liked what he wrote in the first post.
I visited Mike via Anndi like Trav and I'm glad I did, I'm following him now. :)
He is in my reader, one old soldier to the top sgt, makes my day.
T- welcome, thanks again for the add, mama!
Mike, I see your lips moving, but all I hear is grunt grunt grunt!heeee
Trav--Ann is cool eh? I asked her to help spread the word and she was on it in no time. Goot love my blogging buddies!
Ake--Thanks so much. I think you will like the site! Thanks for stopping by!
Hey Sarge--I posted a comment to your blog but initially I did it on the older one, hope you got the message.
I'm soooo going to enjoy ignoring piehole closing comments too *grin*
I've got amazing blogging buddies. I knew Sarge and Trav would love it!
Ann- A tag team?! I LIKE it! lol
Mess around if you like ladies. I am not afraid to remain an island of rugged manliness in your yucky sea of estrogen.
Mike - Marinate long enough in the sea of yucky estrogen and we'll tenderize you yet, darlin'.
With two years of Burke combat experience under my belt and in light of the skilled reinforcements currently present on my battlefield, I will now return to the rear for some chow and a good view of this amusing skirmish.
Hope - you're totally looking at my rear..... aren't you!
It seems like you and Anndi have done quite a job getting folks over to Castra Praetoria.
I look forward to reading more of his stuff.
Thanks for visiting my site. Hope you like it. And thanks for introducing me to Mike's blog...and yours.
Ann--well you know...I'm kinda a legs, shoulders, abs, obs, back, lat, jaw eye lip...wait...what were we talking about?
Hey Southern--He's going to do really well I think and yes, Anndi really threw her blogger wt around getting folks over there. THank you for the write up you did, too! Very cool of you, guy!
I did, John! That is a cool music site!!