The sun finally showed up today!!!

and this one:

He's such a giver.
It's a good thing, I don't walk on water on the weekends 'cause it would take waaaay longer than five days to get across that part of the Pacific, hunt him down and embarrass him, mercilessly for his picture cruelty. No, I don't know what I would have done in retribution, but I would have had a lot of time to think about it on the way over and it. would. have. been. good.
As it was for the last few days, I have read, parented, watched testosterone ridden movies and checked text and email a bajillion times for that "Hey you just won 100,000,000 dollars" or at the very least "Hey you just won time on the beach listening to the waves" message.
No luck.
As it was, my windows looked more like this:
I have come to a few conclusions though.
Spring Break is a big lie fabricated by teachers and administrators with eyes glazed over by the big TAKS test push, because, it is neither Spring or a Break when it comes. It's still winter, people! And the only thing breaking around here is my head on the edge of a coffee table from repeated banging.
Who'd a thunk I would get used to solitude so fast? I mean for twelve years I have been around, nursed,coslept and taught four kiddos 24/7. You'd think I'm of hardier stock, but noooooooooo. By 2:30 this afternoon, a mere 6.5 hours into our official holiday, and after a mere month of being home alone, I was already checking the school calendar, googling summer sleep away camps and considering a how well Jack and 7 would go with tater tots.
I. need. a. job.
I'm assured it's coming.
But's it's not soon enough!! ::stamping foot petulantly::
In the meantime I can't be too mean to my text torturer from the weekend. He gave me a project to sink my teeth into, which my ass was happy about 'cause I'll I had been sinking my teeth into lately were foods of no nutritive value as is photographically evidenced above. This project got my obsessive/compulsive juices flowing and so the coffee table concussions have abated somewhat.
Which brings me to further news.
Well news I mean. I haven't said anything you didn't already know so far.
I have two blogs I need to post about, but I am doing them one at a time. Puhhleeeez make sure you go see them when I put them up. I think you are going to LOOOVE both of them!
And here I am grateful for the cooler weather. Bring on the blogs, I'm always looking for a good read :)
Hmmmm ... is that going to be the next big thing with teenagers? Sticking your face in a bag of Lay's chips right when you open them to inhale?
i found your blog through Black Jesus and really love your header quote..and feisty attitude :)
nice to 'meetcha'
Loz-As soon as I get the posts together I'll launch them out!
Southern- Yes, My name is Hope and I huff Lay's...
Maggie--Thanks for the visit!I'll head over your way to see what's up there, too!
Enjoy the solitude and downtime, you'll be neck deep in work before you know it.
btw-Jack & 7 go well with anything! especially with enough Jack.
nice blog, just found it.. i like your name.. it's my wife's name too.... or rather, almost ex-wife : (
Down time is good stuff. Once you are into work you may wish for some time out.
Too many rainy days can be a bit dreary all round.