Found this out on the web and thought some of you might like to know about it. I'm not through poking around on it, but Blog U is a site which has code for everything from adding fonts to your blog to converting link lists to a drop down menu, to all manner of other blog template conversions.
I have been reading and reading these kinds of sites lately and she seems quite good at communicating in easy to follow directions as well as answering follow up questions in her comment section. So check there for your questions first...someone prolly already asked it.
Most of her info will be in 5 drop down menus on the right hand side of the page so just scroll down a little and look for light, slate blue boxes with a plus/minus next to the titles.
Not much else to say right now.
Sleep, food and PT have been out of whack lately.
Though I saw some pics today of another Crossfitter and it did kinda kick me in the ass a little.
I'm restless.
Thanks for the tip. Even after over 2 years of blogging, I'm still pretty much a novice when it comes to code and stuff.
Hey Hope! This is cool... thanks for sharing.
I shall keep a note of this blog if I ever get the hang of the one I have now.