Some notes from last deployment:
Thank you for the letter and the stories. Not to mention the "BrainDamaged" picture was pretty funny. We all know what you mean about"Family" vacations. They can be fun and horrible all in the same moment, but they will always be in our hearts as the best of times. Please keep them coming. You are one of our regular writers. Have you ever thought about writing a book of short stories about family vacations?.... You have a way with words. We love to hear the stories. well thank you for your support and the prayers are always welcome.Thanks, SSgt X & The Airframes Division at HMH-XXX, Djibouti
Once again, I have to tell you that you are the greatest and that you are awesome. I got a few more packages and letters from you today, and among them was the 2nd most motivating piece of mail I have got the whole time I have been out here. (the first being pictures from my wife and I'm sure you understand why she takes first place).The guys are really jealous of the cheerleader picture. (I have a connection with the Houston Texan cheerleaders, they sign 8X10s for me each season)I think that I am going to put it up in my office to make others jealous. I'll see what I can do to get you a picture from us. Seriously Hope, I have to thank you for all that you do for us. You really to help make life better out here. I know your going to say that you should be thanking us and so on and so forth. But seriously, for all the time, effort and money that you put into us, you deserved to be told thank you and take it without any argument. So that being said,thank you to you and your family. You all are awesome.
Sgt. X, Fallujah
You are very welcome, Hope. I cannot tell you how impressed I am with the time and effort you spend supporting our troops.
I hope that the mention helps - at least a little.
I'm aldo glad to see that they take the time to show their appreciation.
Marsha no got a blog - she is just hooked on reading 'em and she is me by the way, lol. (The bat that flies around on linking odd blogs like oh this one and the Castra one. ;)
Red- On behalf of my milfolk, I can't thank you enough for your generosity. Huge hugs!
Southern--Big hugs for you, too. Your post for them rocked!
Ally--I wondered if that was you, but I couldn't be sure so I thought I'd wait and see if someone came forward. Thanks mama! From one 'crazy' to another lol! meh normal is boring anyway...heehee
$20 is all I could do, but I hope it helps :o) Happy packing!