1. Mail updates.
2. Hope box wrestling and creating.
3. Batman and water gun reviews
4. A new request
5. The blog badge unveiling.
This post should have been up this morning, but I had a last minute call for some things to Afghanistan and I wanted to get them to the post office before noon.
Does it matter if it got mailed Monday instead of today in the grand scheme of things? Probably not, in a general or logistical sense, but it does matter to that Marine or soldier in the email I send of a picture of what they requested being packed or one of the kids holding it up and smiling with a thumbs up.
Yes, it sure does to them. A sense of time and space is something we here take for granted.
Good milsupport is Communication 101 and anyone can do it. I want to encourage anyone with a little time to not sell themselves short. Just taking on one service member through an outfit like Any Marine, AdoptaPlatoon or SoldiersAngels can have an impact. Mail is what matters-- not what kind. When they hear their name at mail call, or find something on their bunk when the come pack from a mission or long hours in a shop or guardpost, that envelope or package reminds them they are appreciated. You don't have to wear a uniform to value appreciation. It's a basic human need intensified when you are tired or far from home and all thing familiar.
So what have I done with your cash you ask? Well let's see. I bought a tower fan for one outfit. They are AC less in a 100-125 degree heat most days. I was pretty jazzed. Fans have remote controls now. Did you know that? Neither did I! I'm older than dirt for being so surprised. I didn't realize how old until I told my Marine about it and his reply to that was joyful and ended with "Dude, that is soooo SICK!" My 12 year old informed me sick is good. Noted.
Heee...well my box for the fan was sooooo NOT sick. I had to make one 'cause the size was so weird. I used a science board from this Spring's science project debacle and cussed cardboard and right angles all night Tuesday I think...I forget.
The mail clerk, who knows more about me than my family practitioner...laughed her ass off. "What. is. THAT!?" she said looking at my cardboard creation.
"THAT is going to Iraq. SHIP IT! I never want to see it again!!!"I said holding up a hand covered in bandaids. She just shook her head at me. She does that alot.
Another thing I did this week was stuff a full size Batman comforter into a banker box. That thing is in there so tight it'll double as ordinance when the recipient cuts the tape. Yeah...I warned him already. "Dude, I had to use my feet to get that thing in the box..."

A little sorry, I mean enormous raptor with gleaming, razor sharp talons, sent me some pics of how some of his fellow Marines are getting by on UGRs (utililized group rations). ...a lovely repast guaranteed to plug you up or clean you out on a regular basis according to some in the field.
UGRs are like individual MREs (meals ready to eat) only for a group of people. They come with special chemical paks which create heat to warm them up. They are used in areas where large DFACs or chowhalls are not available. 
Platoons or squads who are out on patrols or at smaller outposts guarding entry points, checking in with Iraqi police in more remote villages, following up on weapon cache leads and what have you, tend to have less access to the quality and comfort of a decent meal which as it does anywhere in or out of uniform, compromises morale.

So this leads me to my next request. Since the Coalition turnover, rules have changed such that supplies Coalition Forces still incountry need, must be provided for by Iraqi vendors. Thing is the price tag on a 4 slot reataurant grade toaster or a crock pot is 250 dollars. Did I mention that they want another 250 a pop to deliver them? I was hoping that I could enlist some people to help me get 10 toasters and 10 crockpots sent to my little bir---er I mean one of my lethal birds of prey post haste. Other appliances in outposts like this mean the Marines there have better access to a greater variety of meals and can use these appliances for what foodstuffs they are being sent from family and friends as well.
Email me or leave it comments that you are interested and I'll fill you in. It doesn't matter if the equipment is used or not. If you have a contact for me in the toaster or crock pot getting business that would be cool, too!
Barring that, if you can link this post I'd be grateful. If you can't help personally, it may be you know someone that can!
Now...for the unveiling and created by a blogger friend of mine, USMC81. Here is the new badge he made for donators and supporters of what Michael named Letters to Leathernecks.I needed a name for my Paypal account and "What the Hell Has Hope Got Herself Into This Time?" wouldn't fit in the little name box thingie.
Throughout today I'll be forwarding the badge to the people on my list from our June drive. If I missed you, puuuuhleeze forgive and give me poke. It's Little Guy's birthday weekend and so I have several irons in the fire.
Pretty damn cool, eh? And geez this man was fast! He jumped on the project in nothin' flat and had several versions to choose from. Needless to say I heart USMC 81.
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I like the badge very much. I there was a real patch I would sew it on my Navy jacket.
For the record; I did NOT request a Batman comforter. But since Hope was sending me one I figured it might as well be something cool. Last deployment it was Superman.
The badge is excellent! Of course, the stuff folks do to earn the badge is most outstanding.
The badge is very cool; good job USMC81!
Thanks. Hope is doing a great service. Hand Salute!
Thank you! It's beautiful.