This post is definitely a compilation, but the night has gone so fast it was the best I could do! lol. I've been watching things unfold all night via Twitter, Facebook and numerous military and political blogs and so prose gave way to getting the information I have come across out to others. Please take a look at this and watch the people of Iran lift their voices and demand what is their right: A vote and self determination.
You will find articles, links, pictures, video footage and dialogue as well as access to real time dialogue from those experiencing the Iranian election and aftermath.
Last night, while CNN covered the threat of disgruntled vets flocking to bell towers; the family dynamics of Orange
County Chopper and the OCC gang's take on John and Kate; the drop in the porta potty business and whether the Right really is out to get Obama as the night's great debates, other news outlets like the BBC and Washington Notes
turned east to the history making events in Iran as protesters took to the streets in response to suspected ballot count misrepresentations.
This was the first time I truly understood the impact of social media on political movement and resistance. A little while ago (it's about 4am now on Sunday) one Tehranian on Twitter named Hamed wrote:
"the Internet speed is too low that practically it's impossible to do anything but tweet."
another Tweeter, IranNewsNow wrote: As an Iranian, I want to thank all tweeters that stood by my compatriates today. Thank u. Your voices have touched our hearts.
I and the owner of World on Terror News have been sharing what information and links we have found tweeting since dinner time last night and it occurred to me as MSM sources ran in the background on TV here, how much more I learned about this rapidly unfolding event simply tweeting and following my normal blog sources versus hoping MSMs like Fox could stop gushing about Carrie Prejean long enough to give such a monumental time in Iranian history the attention and in depth reporting it deserved.
Instead CNN paid out the big bucks to four attorneys for their scintillating analysis of just what depths of caca David Letterman was in for his Palin family jokes. Was he in fact an ass or just cad? Let's get in asharing circle and discuss.
But enough about MSM letting the public down...there's certainly no news in that.
My friend at World on Terror News put it fairly succinctly without the spin and with far less minimization than our government did as they "closely monitored the situation".
Says WOTN: "Iran is at a major crossroads. If momentum can be maintained, freedom. If it stalls, oppression."
And I do contend that if this momentum can be maintained it will be in part because of social media. Iran went to great lengths to cut communication, be it internet, cell or land line phones as the rest of this blog post will show, but her citizens were still able to tweet as the first quote demonstrates.
I'm a little sheepish as to how little acknowledgement I gave Twitter even a few months ago. I thought it technological frippery. If you want to look at what is going on in real time via twitter with Iranian citizens and how the election is impacting them just hit the bold face. NO frippery there.
Twitter, I stand corrected.
And because I am corrected, here are items and resources I was able to find or that were passed on to me which helped widen my perspective. I was especially taken with the two Twitter dialogues I post at the end of this piece which show the progression of thought and realization for two Tehranians experiencing, as my WOTN friend described, "a momentous" time.
Also take a look at Amir Sadeghi, who blogs daily photos from Tehran at his blog Tehran 24 His work gives windows to the rest of the world into Iran with striking clarity.
This posted at 10:39 last night (as the elections aftermath progressed) at the site for Washington Notes. Concern for what is or could be happening to Ahmadinejad's opposition played out much during the night as was described.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Stealing the Iranian Election
Top Pieces of Evidence that the Iranian Presidential Election Was Stolen Great bunch of links and a refutation for those who insist on comparing the US 2004 elections with what is occurring in Iran right now...
If you want to look at what is going on in real time via twitter with Iranian citizens here's the link.
Young Iranians Tweeting History: Their Dialogue:
Name Abdul-Azim Mohammed
Location Tehran
Bio Student living in Tehran
It is 4:00 am here and people are filling the street. about 5 hours ago from web
The TV has been reporting a national victory for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. about 5 hours ago from web
I'm filming the street with my camera about 5 hours ago from web
I'll post it when I can. about 5 hours ago from web
Several other cities are reporting voter fraud. about 5 hours ago from web
The police are telling people to get off the street and go home. about 5 hours ago from web
On my street, the crowd is pushing the police to the side. about 5 hours ago from web
My brother just got home and he told me riots are starting in northeast Tehran. about 5 hours ago from web
Right now things are peaceful in my street. about 5 hours ago from web
The people and police are just talking. about 5 hours ago from web
Normal internet access and phones are still out. about 5 hours ago from web
My uncle tells me that throughtout most cities Mahmoud Ahmadinejad people had ballot boxes burned. about 5 hours ago from web
They were told to do their jobs and speak nothing. about 5 hours ago from web
sirens are now sure what they are. about 5 hours ago from web
The government has turned the power off in many locations claiming we need to fix some grid ??? Yeah, right! about 5 hours ago from web
The TV is still playing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad victory clips. about 5 hours ago from web
Holly shit, be back in a second. about 5 hours ago from web
My Father has a truck load of ballot boxes that were to be burned in the back of his truck. about 5 hours ago from web
I'm looking out my window and people are starting to fill the street.I have to shut down for a bit, the police are looking for satellites.
about 4 hours ago from web
Name:Farhad (assumed to be Tweeting from Tehran)
@LovLesmile Internet access in Iran is based on land lines not sat dishes!about 4 hours ago from web in reply to LovLesmile
Major General Jafari, commander of IRG said he will not let mousavi's green movement to harm Islamic revolution's ethics #iranelectionabout 4 hours ago from web
Ahmadinejad & his supporters will celebrate their victory today at 5pm local time in Valiasr square & we will try to ruin his party!about 4 hours ago from web
@matthew951 we're using twitterfox! thanks for the note!about 4 hours ago from web in reply to matthew951
6:47 am, police is speaking with students inside dormitory buildings of university of Tehran with speaker. #iranelectionabout 4 hours ago from web
all cellphones now read: Emergency only - No Service! #iranelectionabout 4 hours ago from web
7am news, still nothing about protests & clashes on TV. #iranelectionabout 3 hours ago from web
black riot guards with black vans, it's my first time seeing this people, no badges! probably Intel ministry #iranelectionabout 3 hours ago from web
they are joining with police motorcycles in front of student's dormitory buildings firefighters are leaving the area right now #iranelectionabout 3 hours ago from web
Internet barely works, Speed is near 2kbps #iranelectionabout 3 hours ago from web
no reports from any other part of Tehran, we're all waiting for a move from mousavi or karoubi. #iranelectionabout 3 hours ago from web
there were more troops inside the vans and now starting to create a line in front of the only entrance of the building #iranelectionabout 3 hours ago from web
I'm currently on rooftop with my laptop, most of the city is now looking calm except university of Economy building. #IranElectionabout 3 hours ago from web
I guess the Intel ministry guy is trying to convince university's security to open the gates #iranelectionabout 3 hours ago from web
my brother thinks they are after a student council activist. the council known as Tahkime Vahdat and belongs to president era. #iranelectionabout 2 hours ago from web
they are starting their motorbikes now. I can't see where they are going. #iranelectionabout 2 hours ago from web
just receive from a friend. can't check it out myself. hope it's not fake. #Iranelectionabout 2 hours ago from web #iranelectionabout 2 hours ago from web
Police is trying to stop people from gathering around while Intel guys still holding a line in front of the gates #iranelectionabout 2 hours ago from web
from the looks of it they are waiting to arrest all the students! it's also explains the vansabout 2 hours ago from web
some people are now parking their cars in middle of the street trying to block the vans. #iranelection about 2 hours ago from web
police demanding people to move their cars and start crashing car windows. more people are coming. I will try to get a better viewabout 2 hours ago from webpolice demanding people to move their cars and start crashing car windows. more people are coming. I will try to get a better viewabout 2 hours ago from web
Down with the dictator! Mousavi, Karoubi; support us! #iranelectionabout 1 hour ago from web
tear gas #iranelectionabout 1 hour ago from web
my eyes are burning hard to keep them open #iranelectionabout 1 hour ago from web
I'm dizzy but ok. some people are getting shelter in the nearby unfinished bank building. police arresting a middle aged manabout 1 hour ago from web
@ahmadinejad no wonder you are OK Mr president 24.5Mabout 1 hour ago from TwitterFox in reply to ahmadinejad
it's 9:54 AM -Amirabad street near Pasargad bank and to be honest I don't have the courage to leave the roof right now #iranelection32 minutes ago from web
still no working cellphones here and wireless speed is awful #iranelection12 minutes ago from web
there is a rumor now in Farsi twitting community about mousavi being seen after 12h of no known location #iranelection9 minutes ago from web
according to rumor mousavi requested all people to gather near his office at 12:30 pm today.4 minutes ago from web
I guess we should all go, after all he is the real president #iranelection2 minutes ago from web
Mousavi's Youtube page. Hours old footage of citizen and state clashes on the streets of Tehran.
the American left is rejoicing!
Hey didn't Carter check the count to be sure? So if Carter said it was ok then it must be ok!
Cater is a an old fool. He was an embarrassment to the country as President, an embarrassment to the US Naval Academy (his Alma Marta), an embarrassment to the State of Georgia and to peanuts everywhere. He has no hold on reality and never met a despot dictator he didn’t like. So who gives a fuck what he thinks?
As for Iran, did anyone expect anything different as to what is happening? If the other side had won there would still be demonstrations and riots. That is what they do. I honestly think that they do not know how to be free and rule democratically. I hope they do get it straightened out over there, but I’m not too hopeful that it will happen this time.
I've met some sharp Iranians over the years. What a shame that nation has been taken over by the mullahs. Before the mullahs you had the shah and his savak. It will be a miracle if they ever get it right. Sure would be nice though...
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)