Brownie Blasphemy

on 14 May 2009

The first person who can point out the inherent blasphemy in baking brownies in a round pan gets a batch sent to them post haste.

No, that these were meant to go to a knuckle dragger, but now well into a baking heresy cover up which will cost me 500 squats to pull off brownies is NOT IT.



Though props for laying my ass on the line for my country wouldn't be so bad. *clutching pan of brownies* It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.


Kat Argonza | Tough Girl 101 said...

So.... is that like a brownie cake now? I mean, if you put frosting on it, would it cease to be a brownie?


Hope said...

Nuh uh--it's allll brownie in that round pan and may like it when I send can's of cream chesse icing to go along with it...You may live too healthy to know of what I speak KitKat, but for those whom brownie is their kyrptonite, my egregious error will be painfully apparent. lol

Trudy said...

My guess is that it's you have to think too hard to cut, there doesn't seem to be enough....nom, nom, nom

Travis said...

Round brownies are CAKE.

Hope said...


Dig deeper people!!! Think about the whole brownie eating experience.

CI-Roller Dude said...

I like nuts in my brownies. Somebody picked up some brownies for my birthday the other day at work. I suggested that next time they might buy brownies with nuts....
They responded with: "But some people may be alergic to nuts."
I then said: "then I'll tell them to not eat my brownies."
God I can't wait to retire from both of my jobs so I don't have to explain such simple things to some people.

mnwhr said...

As a big fan of the center pieces, the only problem I see with brownies in a round pan is that you have to eat some of the edge in every piece, although those who love the edges might disagree with me.

America's 1st Sgt. said...

The inheirent blasphemy is that a square pan of brownies can be neatly cut or folded into a brick and conveiniently shoved into your mouth all at once. In a round pan this is impossible and may detract from the brownie experience.

This is almost as blasphemous as showing a pan of brownies on your website with a big wedge missing when that pan should be in the mail already.

Dang brownie trolls!

Dana said...

Hmmmm ... you did leave an awful lot of brownie in the pan ... couldn't get the first one out? Could you?

Code Monkey said...

If you're one of those who love the edges, there's a pan for that.

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