Stark and Noelle and the discussion of the Burke pedagological effect on offspring called to mind a recent video from America's 1st Sgt sent to my offspring in reply to a video said offspring sent to him in Oahu a week ago.
The kids' video, which I inadveratantly deleted-damn- has all four kids lined up like a scene out of the Sound of Music saying hello to Burke.
It went something like this:
Kids: (dressed for bed and waving madly)Hi Buhk!! Hiiiiii!!!
Dad: (former Marine Sgt.): Hey that's 1st Sgt!! How many times do I have to tell you?
Kids: (nonplussed by paternal dressing down, giddy with the general just before bed high and further spun up with the novelty of sending a video.)
***sing songy**Hiiiiii! 1st Sgt.! Hi. We love you!! Hey whatcha doing?Then, Matthew, my littlest guy, breaks rank and gets nose and cheek deep into the camera phone, grinning like a loon and says..."Hiiiii Uuuuuuuuuncle Mike!!" before covering his mouth with his hands, falling out onto the couch in four year old convulsions and laughing like that was the funniest thing he had ever said.
After few minutes, my cell phone sounds and they get this from "Uncle Mike" All I can say is the children have memorized every line and gesture. I first realized this the next morning when I walked past the dining table and all of them are gnawing on whole pieces of sausage speared onto their fork at breakfast. I briefly paused, stretched my neck out to one side and then moved on through the room, lip bloody from biting it.
***eyeroll***There is no escape from this person...
So. In an effort to illustrate Marine speak, this is our first translation lesson. Here 1st Sgt is saying, "Awww love you all, too, sweethearts. Be good!!! Talk to you soon..."
You'd think a Marine would know how to use a damn knife.
The 1st Sgt is right. What on Earth are you thinking letting your kids stay up so late, running around half naked and making videos?
Anndi, as a matter of fact I DO know how to use a knife. It fits on the end of your rifle and you stab insurgents with it.
Sadly I couldn't see the video as google now says it's currently unavailable. Trust me, I am well versed in Marine-speak, so I'm sure your boys got a good earful. Hope, thanks for stopping by and inquiring about my welfare. I'm just fine, I had a few days of jury duty and since I blog from work, I wasn't here to blog or read blogs. So all is well, and thanks for asking.
Take care,
Beautiful, priceless and aren't brats just wonderful? Kids are nice too. Thanks for sharing this with us Angels. Now to go sharpen my horns cause I feel the Halo slippin'
I saw your blog listed on The Soldier's Angels Forum. I must say, that the story just made my day! Keep them coming!! God Bless you, America's 1st Sgt....And THANK YOU for all you do!