I caught my 3 year old peeing into a sandwich bag out on the back porch.You heard me. P_E_E_I_N_G. Uhhh...no I didn't get a picture of that, but I'm sure the old hag in the corner lot did. I expect CPS any day.
My son Jacob has the attention span of a gnat. I know I look at him and give direction or ask a question and while he looks like he is with me....THE BOY AIN'T WITH ME. Arggggggghhhh. I feel nuts.
I worked out too hard and waaaaay wrong yesterday and so when I went to Crossfit today, (naturally there is no traffic so I get there nice and early) I got to watch with great detail all the brutality they had planned for the class about to start. I stretched,
making sure I put no mental blood in the water...yup that's me cooooool as a cucumber...inside I am creating trajectories for where I can work out in the gym which will give the most expeditious access to the back door and or the toilet and making a mental note to get before and after shots of my knees. They stay in various stages of f-d up. CF was as brutal as I expected. 'Course my degree of Wienerness makes it so. At one point I think I saw a bright light and one of my dead relatives.
Second in Command Boss Lady at the post office was nasty to the clerk trying to help me. I asked SCBL nicely...yes, I was NICE-- to back up and cut the clerk some slack. I wasn't in a hurry, no one was hurt, I didn't mind and since I am the customer neither should she--she pointed out that folks were waiting to which I responded let's just get it right for those 20 odd Marines and soldiers who are waiting for another letter and probably not in air-conditioning. It really was alright I told her. I can't wait to talk to the clerk later...I thought she was going to pee herself.I took the kids to get haircuts. We are at the This Is My Life How Come You Pick My Haircut stage. We are also at the Because I Said So Stage.
My jarheads in Africa sent me some cool tshirts to PT in and a card which their all the guys in the shop signed. I was floored...I'm usually on the other end of MAIL. Thanks boys I've already broken in one of them. See?
Glad you had fun at Go Karts. You boys finally got a night off! Thanks for the pics. L to R is Jean, Joe and Shaun.
Tony bought some perfume for me and left it on my computer chair for no reason at all. I think the last time he did that we were dating. Cool eh? It smells nice, too.
I am still trying to shop for clothes. The thing is I don't want to shop too much...I dunno where I'm going to level off and well...OK OK OK!!! I hate shopping HATE IT...I go into those department stores and my eyes glaze over and when they aren't glazed over I am pretty sure most of the stuff I get a look at I wouldn't' wear anyway especially for the price. I could send mail for a month for what they want for some of this stuff...ack. And what is with all these crazy patterns, shirt dresses and 70's crap? I'm only pissing and moaning because we have to go see the relatives this weekend and I keep putting off finding a dress which means shoes, and whatever else. Men have it so much easier...lucky dogs.
Like Hippy I am not ready to say much else...yeah like this post was soooo succinct, but suffice to say, my sleep sucks. I think it has to do with perspective myopia, insecurities and having to learn all new things lately. It's not that I don't' actually like all the new things...I'm just whiney about the fallout. It's a draining business. Incidentally, I am pretty much good with being in other people's business I just never figure out my own what with the whole myopic thing.
YEA! FINALLY someone else other than myself noticed the disturbing 70's bullshit they call fashion choking the clothes racks in every store.I was in my twenties in that decade and hated the clothes then. Now in my glorious fities I can only say (out loud in the store) GAH! WTF? I ain't wearing that crap.
I actually don't use the word crap..ya know whut I mean. ;p
I hear you on the haircut thing. The wee one is going thru the same blessed stage. He's figured out that if keeps his hair normal as he goes out the door, that I won't say anything. He did not expect that I would show up at school, and I did not expect that he'd faux-hawked his hair with spit. I at least found the testa latex paint hidden in the draw before colored his hair like model car.
PEG- I'm telling ya...we need to live closer mama!
sauerkraut...I bet the look on that boy's face when he saw you was priceless...
I liked your SOC. Chaotic cool...
Crikey, those knees look like they are taking a battering...you'll need those things for a while friend, take care!
Lol@ the pee in the bag. Hmmmmm.