Obama's little buddy Reverend Wright had this to say about the Corps according to the St. Petersburg Times.
“Remember, it was soldiers of the 3rd Marine Regiment of Rome who had fun with Jesus, who was mistreated as a prisoner of war, an enemy of the occupying army stationed in Jerusalem to ensure the mopping up action of Operation Israeli Freedom. These people were blinded by the culture of war.”
Now this isn't a history lesson or even a political one, though by his ridiculous comment, this guy is in dire need of both.
This post is about what this comment prompted in my husband's jarhead mind.
It went like this:
Tony: Did you know that Rev. Wright F---
(yes, the F-word in the Corps can be any part of speech),
Obama's little friend, compared the Marines to Roman legions that crucified Jesus?
Hope: No. I didn't.
Tony: I'm offended.
Hope: I can understand that.
Tony: Yeah, (insert scoff here) there's no way they were Marines.
Hope, intrigued: What are you talking about?
Tony: There's no way they were Marines. Everyone the Marines kill stay dead.
Twenty some odd years out of the Corps and still as swaggery as ever.
Every mama needs a good Marine.
Course that's not to say said mamas would not benefit from some direction in the care and proper feeding of their jarhead.
Don't laugh.
I think I need to write a book.
It would be cathartic to say the least.
True boy cracks me up when he's not driving me up a wall...incidentally I have more than one jarhead that is happy to oblige in that few units I sign up for are going to be Army. I need a break.
Stays dead! An instant classic! Oh! I am so forwarding this to all my ex-mil buddies! :)
No way he came up with that. did he?
phil--? he says as far as he knows he's the original though he says it isn't something your average bear Marine wouldn't think or say...