I am distracted by a number of things.
3/3 Kilo Marines are coming home to Hawaii as I write this. They have worked so hard and all you have to do is read this or look at pictures here to see just what they have managed to accomplish. I'll be glad to hear they are home and taking 4 day naps. They have more than earned them.
Faith...today there was a whole long homily about the woman at the well and how humans tend to look for the easy way out--that magic bullet if you will. Shrug. I don't know-- sometimes I think we humans can equally be accused of making things harder then they need to be.
Time...I had a lot of it on my hands, recently. It didn't act any different from what I could tell. Unfilled, though, it felt like an impetus for something I haven't got to the bottom of, yet. Busy takes on a whole new meaning coming home.
Goals...to run again--see where my body is now after so little has been asked of it save five pregnancies and four births. I know you are thinking 'well hell pregnancy is a lot to ask of it.' True. In a way--but actually pregnancy is mostly a spectator sport except for the very beginning and the very end. Mostly you are just along for the ride. Working my body to run is more daily deliberate, an ongoing act of the will-- if you will.
speaking of will
Will...what can you will?
Exactly what can a human will?
I have heard love is an act of the will--faith, hope, trust, too.
I bet there are even more you couls add here.
Just because you can will them...should you and when, exactly?
As an aside...I have been reading a lot today and posting on our milblog.
There is a good piece on bootcamp written by someone who has gone through it for an audience that probably hasn't. Phillipine Phil, I thought you did a great job!
Another good article I read today was over at Neptunus Lex who posted an article the Washington Post put out on women in the military and their increased roles in combat situations. His link is on my blogroll.
James Alan Bersen wrote a piece on his view of the presidential election. He is an intelligience officer at Camp Victory in Iraq. He's a fellow Texan and one time reporter at our Capitol here. Always a good blog to read if you want some troop perspective and a sense of what boots on the ground there are thinking.
Again pray for our Kilo Marines in the 3/3. They are finally coming home.
You are starting to run? Egad, I have been wanting to do that. It's funny because I used to run 10 miles a day back in high school. I was on the Cross Country team.
Ugh....I want to run again...and hope to start at least walking soon.
Good luck with your running. I admire you!! :)
I wish I could run again, really run. Not going to happen.
Glad you liked my bootcamp story. Sometimes its good to read about basic military stuff that doesn't necessarily include fighting and dying.
Catherine- yes. it't time to start moving my ass. My wieght is fine, but I would like to be stronger. I think it can really help with your mindset if you move your body everyday.
Phil- I love your boot camp story. I think everyone should participate in at least one triumph like that.