Bucking Stereotypes

on 26 February 2008


Anonymous said...

"Until you find something to fight for, you settle for something to fight against."

"Fight Club"

Hope said...

Well whether these Iranians are in the first group fighting for something or in the second, fighting against it is still not a story you saw plastered across MSM and at the very least it should have been.

Anonymous said...


I had been mulling this quote through my mind today and stumbled upon the obvious duality of it. What is the common denominator of the two states: for and against. You are, I am, we all are... al least our minds are.

Not that either is not worth fighting for, but by a simple fluctation of mind they become distictly different. I've come to the realization that they are NOT different objectively.


p.s. I would'nt piss down the throats of the Islamofascists if thier necks were on fire!!

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