Note...I have been in a really crappy mood lately. Yeah no sh*t Sherlock...right? occur ed to me I hadn't done much shopping, deal building or strategizing. I started a coupon group a long while back, but I had been pretty much leaving it to the other mamas to post. Post holidays I tend to hunker down...I never get moody until AFTER the holidays ...though who am I kidding...a midlife crisis does loom over my head...I digress... mood has improved somewhat. I love a good hunt or challenge-- who am I kidding??! (though I'd still like a word with certain kinds of people and wine is becoming a more necessary part of my evening heh...) I thought I would go this route for a post this time around...if couponing or mania is of no may want to outclick about now...heh.
Dear Warriors Who Tell Me They Don't Want to Put Anyone Out and Folks Who Wonder Just What The Hell Couponers Are Up To,
Warrior:I know you worry about asking for anything and so to put your mind at ease I have decided to give you an idea of what goes on behind the scenes so we can get past all the party's too damn short.
Curious Folk: Yes, I'm a little nuts, but it's the fun kind... This is some of my stash...I am a coupon freak and this stuff is the overrun from what I buy for my guys and gal using coupons...Don't worry...I only spend about 0 to no more than 20 cents on the dollar...lately, especially, I have been making out like a BANDIT!!!
The boxes say USMC, but as time has progressed we are now taking care of Army folk, too. I guess for Sgt. Grumpy's sake, especially I should add 'Army' on these...hehe

Shelves in my closet...couponers NEVER pay for Health and Bpdy products--never ever never...we send this to the local women's shelter, orphan boxes at Christmas, merchant marines at Port of Galveston, Chronicle House and of course our warriors overseas...

Lots of crackers, mixes, diced tomato, tomato sauce, sugar...all this stuff ran me about 9 bucks.. it's on TOP of the counter because the pantry underneath is a complete wreck...things lined up like that are some kind of sick temporary therapy.

Matthew was digging around for my chocolate chips as you can see by the mess. That shelf is indicative of a lot of other cabinets that haven't been reorganized lately. Another thing couponers never pay for are condiments. IT's against our religion. The cake mixes ran 15 cents a box...they are good for making cupcakes to ship over in monthly birthday boxes. Canned soup was .07 at Christmas or was it before...dunno but I do know I have another three cases worth in one of my closets...hehehe.

Hanes is running a coupon for free socks and underwear...another thing sorely needed overseas...try to buy one or two each trip to Target... as do my mama friends who share in my mania...

More free shampoo and wipeys...gotta love the wipey deal...I can't keep the guys in those....