I have been asking myself this a lot lately. So I made a conscious decision to try to remember from the blur that is my existence.
Up about 4ish--can't sleep these days. I knew this would happen, but not until I was much older. I just hope the bladder doesn't go next.
Read, checked email. I love email. I hate email.
Swept the house. Did you know that a fry from Mc Donald's never decomposes?
Rocked Matthew awake. This I loved. The windows were already opened so I could see the sun rising over the trees and he let me hold him without trying to shove a finger up my nose for at least 2 or 3 whole minutes.
Dressed Matthew. Camouflage and stripes today. He's a regular Gianni Versace that one.
Made breakfast for the kids. Mickey Mouse pancakes. I fought the urge to make any other interesting shapes.
Supervised morning chores (read here...bellowed from the stove to my offspring not step a toe out of their room until they were squared away unless they were considering a new family.)
Wiped the refrigerator down--notice I did not say CLEANED...my HazMat gear is at the cleaners...
Cleaned the back sliding door---it's amazing where a kid will wipe a booger.
Grabbed a shower--actually I have nothing to say here. No one turned on the water in the sink, flushed the toilet or tried to open the shower curtain to demand the proceeds from my sale of a small foreign country. Of course that was inane. Do you think they ever rip the shower curtain open to ask something intelligent or well thought out? Besides Mickey Mouse had them occupied.
Made myself a smoothie. Breakfast actually sitting down never works. At least with a drink if one of the kids sticks their finger in it or manages a drink the backwash is not clearly visible...food is too often a medium which involves clues as to the culprit and the crime.
Explained the consequences of drinking syrup out of bottle.
Cleaned a child up who was experiencing the consequences of drinking syrup out of a bottle.
Blogged then stopped to read others blogs. I think this is when Matthew tried to see how much toilet paper was actually on a roll.
Packed more boxes for post office while alternately threatening homicide, if they didn't clear off the table from breakfast.
Tortured myself oop I mean located 3 year old shoes, made the others find theirs, got them on, loaded them in the car where they all promptly took them off.
Took Mr. Pete some groceries. He's a nice old guy.
Went and picked up inserts for coupon group and dropped off catfood for paperlady's kitty shelter.Stood in line at the post office and talked to the post mistress who threatens to keep a cot for me in one of the backrooms. Hmmm I think government workers DO get frequent and scheduled breaks don't they??
Took the kids to the library---paid 10 bucks in fines because I have taken the kids to the library before.
Checked email. Fired a few off. Lobbed a few off. Blew a few off. What? We all do it.
Made pizza for lunch and stepped in some mozzarella Matthew left on the floor where he was trying to make his pizza.
Made lunch for Tony. He never says if it was alright or not. I am considering putting out "How are we doing" cards.
Looked for voter registration cards so I could go participate in the legislative process...hrumphhbullshithruumph.
Ate lunch myself. At least I think I did.
Company over to visit and sort papers and pick up inserts. I like this mama she had some good ideas for an individual in dire need of retribution.
Matthew had his bathroom freakout. It seems the boy feels one with his poop. I liken this to labor. He has his poo poo dance, yells,' ohhhhh oh ohhh', we run, he sweats, says, 'done'--which we aren't-- so the process gets repeated 2 or 3 times until his sphincter overrides his will, he turns red, shrieks and it's over. One of these days this little drama will end with CPS at the door with a clipboard and a search warrant.
Intermittently through all of this we did school--whole other blog post and I am just too bitter at the moment.
Packed new envelopes for next week with the mags from last week...I left out the porn and laid it instead on the porch of this one person I know.
Cleared off my desk and threw out massive amounts of paper. Five minutes later I covered it all up with new stuff I won't remember I have in a couple of days.
Supervised writing invitations for Jacob and Ethan's birthday party. Just think in another ten years they will be blaming me for everything.
Went to voting polls so that if I ever wind up a public figure and they want to trash me all they have is this blog and not the fact that I never took an interest in our democratic process. Yup. That could REALLY overshadow this blog alright.
More later. I am going to Mother's Night Out. There are several mamas who have not weighed in on my recent acquisition and public decimation of porn among other things...THAT commentary ought to be pretty darn good and done after a few Margaritas under my belt--- hence it being good and all.
My children's care costs us about 60K. What I would make out of the home with benefits and better hours. I am only keeping that in my head for the time it takes to write this. It has no business in there banging around with all the other thoughts I have so expertly beat into submission.