THis is a fine topic to bring back a blog..huh? hatred wrapped in frustration and increduality...nice...but it is time to get back to journaling...
I never thought I would have much of an opinion about a group of people like I do this group of people I am reading about lately. The lengths they will go to to perpetuate themselves and their agendas. They are cowards who prey on the innocent in the name of a cause. Their personal interests and bloodlust only satisfied in atrocious acts on the innocent. Al Qaeda. Suffice to say after reading and reading and supporting my guys in Iraq I am developing my own lust for revenge on these vermin who have less humanity than pond scum. All I feel compelled to do is write my Marines and tell them to make sure they get all of them--to make sure it is slow and painful--but like they would really want to here that my outrage is borrowed from eyes and hearts that have seen. Mine have not. This alond I should be grateful for and yet I all I feel is guilt and a kind of collective urge to act. It is frightening that I have gone from care packages to wishing death for this organization. What they do to their own people and to local Iraqis has been hard to absorb and even more hard to categorizewor act on at this point. I wonder if we are going to fall into a terrible terrible war and whether or not anything good will come from what is happening in the Middle East. It has always been such third person kind of thoguht process where this topic is concerned. How could some inocuous support to Marines bring me to this kind of rage at something I can do nothing about? Or am I supposed to do something in my own universe??? What is it then??? I have no idea...I am still reeling from Michael Yon's dispatches and all he has wrote about...more later when I am not so sick to my stomach.