
on 29 August 2007


It is raining here. Hard. Thunder makes my youngest jump a little, but Lassie is on and he is dead set on helping Lassie tell Timmy the sheep are out.....

Today I am grateful for:

a trip out of town

a job I may be able to do at home

the idea that leaving town sans children will give me a chance to wean Matthew

the thought that gone I won't get to embroiled in my own head about things that will eventually work themselves out without my interference--it may be that the sanest and most balnaced naturally carve out this kind of time on a regular basis and so come by this balance naturally...may have to work on that when I get back...

that all the kiddos at present are healthy

that I think I can finish this house up before I go and leave Tony in good shape

a wide circle of friends that all bring different things to the table...learning you don't have to eat what they bring --it may be that you are full, or allergic or just not in the mood for it..just being at table is enough to maintain the ties that bind---if I may go on with that little table analogy

mostly I am grateful for Tony who waits patiently and always for me to return to tone. I can take a theme and run variations redundant or unimaginative and not ever hear a cross word from him because I do. He just waits for me to figure things out and goes on living our life and getting things done. Thank goodness...nothing worse than mindfucking yourself in dirty clothes...


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