Going postal

on 05 August 2009

My house is trashed... boxes, custom forms, labels, bubble wrap everywhere. It's postal, I tell ya! Postal!

Remnants of a four day weekend and a visit from one of our friends we made during his deployment you will find in my room since I haven't actually unpacked from the resort, yet.

There's bag of flips flops hanging on the doorknob for Kanani and my dining room table looks like a Stop and Go covered in jerky, cigarettes, dip, snacks and magazines.

What I need is for Tony to call me up and say, "Hey honey, the principal from Jake's new school wants to do a home visit for his interview. She'll be over for dinner tonight."

THEN I'd move my ass.



Coffeypot said...

Show some class, take the principal to the Waffle House for supper.

Kanani said...

Ah... flip flops! Yes, that's really nice. THANK YOU!
Also, I sent yer widdle 1st Sgt. a book today.
Glad you had a good weekend. I understand how it is to have your house start looking like a post office annex, and all those custom forms!

Anyway, I've posted a note from The Hubs over on my blog. And also a shopping list on the sidebar.

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