The toasters for Lima came in.Sheila didn't mess around. Just after we left with the first haul of crockpots she called her boss Karl on the way home and let him know what we needed.
The follow through was such a surpirse. When I called to confirm, Karl already knew my name, had made the shipping changes and had a pick up time for me to come back. I think I got as far as, "hi my name is H--" before on that phone call before he cut in and said as much.
His take-charge, matter-of-fact attitude over the phone had some origin. Turns out he served in Korea with the Army in the 25th's "Tropic Thunder". Guess where he was based? Yep. Same place Lima is now. Hawaii.He and Tony traded stories as he fussed over packing things just right. Naturally, there was some good humored smack traded between soldier and Marine. But like he said, "Gotta take care of my brothers. You tell them to take care of themselves. Okay?"

There are manhy good men out there like Karl. They know...they will help.