Had a meme to do, a list of 8 random things.
Chunks of Reality tagged me and I'm supposed to tag new folks...
hmmm...dunno if I can do that or not, but if you are reading this and at some point during the week need something to write about this is a great thing to jumpstart a brain frozen by fatigue.
I had to bat the meme around with a friend who basically did my homework for me to get this up tonight....tiiiiiiired.
Friend: U don't smoke cigars (well Chunks did say random--right?)
Friend: U like being bruised and battered after working out
Friend: Ur never satisfied
Friend: U think ur not as good a mom as u could be
Friend: U always go allout
Actually I only smoked part of one cigarette in my life. I was eight and it was a Marlboro red. Blech.
I do like to kick my own ass in a gym.
Hit any post with the word "Crossfit".
Fun times.
Nope never satisified.
It's not that I'm high maintenance. I
simply always feel like whatever I have done I could do better.
Standards are good, sorta, but well-- they also bite you on the ass.
I know that.
It's not rocket science.
I don't suppose any mom thinks they are as good a mom as they can be.
I do worry I'll fuck up the children. I guess success will be not fucking them up with your shit and helping them deal with their own privately acquired shit that is going to be the new standard to live up to.
Always go all out.
Two speeds
Mach2 and coma.
I should think about goggles.

It's only five things I know, but they're pretty dead on so I won't add the other three right now.
I could sit here and rack my brain or just go to bed where it will come to me out of the blue.
Addendum #2
TOLDJA the other three would fly in from nowhere...I was brushing my teeth this morning and there they were.
Well-- I mean, here they are:
6. I hate being cold....HATE IT. It ticks me off.
7. Intangibles I wish I could bottle: the perfect kiss and a great night's sleep--I'm leaving this list open for additions, too.
8. I like to watch UFC and WEC fights while I'm running on the treadmill.
Yeah the men smile and the women just shake their heads.
So...more on my job in Iraq tomorrow...


Little Grasshopper said...

Awesome meme....I am waiting to hear about Iraq woman! Have a great day!

Jay said...

Yeah having standards is a good thing. As long as you don't end up never giving yourself credit for the good things that you do and are.

Hope said...

Grasshopper--I can just see your face when you say that....haaaa.

Jay--hugs, smart man.

fairyflutters said...

Hmm, we do have a lot in common! Great meme. :)

Susie said...

I hate being cold to and this morning the cold weather took me by surprise. Even though this is Finland and I should be used to the cold weather by now, I kind of keep forgetting that :)

Wow, Iraq... that sound like something new and different.

I've been fine, but busy and you sound like you've been busy too... and hopefully fine too...

karen said...

"I should think about goggles." You made me smile pretty big with that.

Matt-Man said...

Ahhhh, bottling the perfect kiss. Kissing is so underrated. It can say so much. Cheers Hope!!

Southern Sage said...

SOunds like 8 true ones to me!

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