
on 06 November 2008

Upon discussing my son Matthew's foray with dad to the Halloween carnival, I was regaled with tales related to all manner of fawning, spoiling and petting of my youngest offspring by teachers and student body of the girl persuasion...seems my little guy is quite the big man on campus.

After getting this report from dad, I turn to my son and ask him what all mommies ask their kid after they have already heard the damn story,

I ask for four year old verification...

"Uh huh," says he.

"How did you get all that candy and those prizes, Matthew?"

Without skipping a beat,
he turns to me with a shrug
and one of those
I'll speak slow and use short sentences so you can understand expressions and says,

"Yeaaaaah, (sigh-- eyebrows up, rueful smile)

It's 'cause I'm awesome , mom."

I wonder if a lack of a self image problem at four bodes well or not?

Helping mom with mail to some Marines day before yesterday.


PhilippinesPhil said...

I"m back online. Yours is the first blog I've read--the lady with the black blog background.

Hope said...

hi funny you should mention...I HAVE been thinking about changing my blogskin...How was your trip back?

fairyflutters said...

That kid is adorable!

LOL at his self-confidence. I think *that* is awesome. :)

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