
on 28 June 2008

'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.'
- Barack Obama


Little Grasshopper said...

WTF!!! That is all I can say.....WTF!!!!Smart man...NOT!!!!!

CI-Roller Dude said...

After 2 deployments, one to Iraq...I can assure you there were no GWB and DC said there were...but there were a lot of people in companies they have stock in making a lot of money "supporting the troops"

It ain't about the OIL, it's about the CONTRACTS. We're in a pointless war in Iraq- which has killed 4,000 plus, and wounded 30,000 plus for no good reason.
I'm voting for someone else on this more corrput knuckelheads.

sauerkraut said...

Wellll... we will have to agree to disagree about Obama. We do live in the greatest nation but Obama is no dummie. And those of us who'd rather see him in office than say... hillary clinton... would like to see the recent history get turned around. We've had enough of the infighting, the political crap and the waste of this country's resources for stupid stuff.

And at least Mike Huckabee isn't the candidate on the other side of the aisle. But McCain is pretty freakin' old. Older than my in-laws, even.


Anonymous said...

Think about the statement...greatest country, so help me change it...

WMDs: Not sure if they were ever there but I do know we told him we were coming for over a year...he had plenty of time to ditch them. Contracts? Maybe, for the short term. We as a nation aren't getting anything out of this "war" other than a chance to plant a "Representative Republic" seed in a part of the world where it is okay to kill a woman because she is raped.

I don't agree with everything the present administration has done, hell, they are way more liberal than I am but that doesn't mean I'm going to throw out the baby with the bath water.

Obama isn't anything new. He has no new ideas he is just rehashing the old ones.

America: bad
Coporations: bad
Taxes: good
Government knows better: good

I will not be voting for Obama because quite frankly, he isn't qualified for the job. He's just another smooth talker.

PhilippinesPhil said...

I love the comments about McCain's being old. If that's the best they can come up with as to why he should not be qualified to be president its obvious they are just determined to vote for "the idiot" regardless. Notice that he's wandering rightward to the center and really upsetting his far left crew? I'm enjoying watching this play out, even as I cringe at the likelihood that Obama will win. There are a lot of folks out there that seem very enamored with "the idiot." I was shocked when they fell for Slick Willy's line of bull, so I'm already prepared for a similar outcome this November. gulp.

CI-Roller Dude said...

Actually after thinking it over...there really are not any good folks running for president...all I hear is "Well I guess so and so is ok"
And yes, KBR and the other contractors are making millions of dollars in Iraq... they're wasting more money before 9 than most armies can waste in a year.
$145 for a case of soda, $150 per meal per troop, etc. Run a generator without checking the oil for weeks, when it burns up, charge uncle Sam for a new one because the KBR guy was too lazy to check the oil.
I witnessed more stupid stuff like this everyday...

Linda and her Twaddle said...

Um, those words are kind of contradictory. Greatest country and help me change it. Hmmmm.

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