Tony handing me the instructions for the care and proper handling of his new Sony Walkman MP3 player for my perusal. (backstory)You can't see because of the glare, but on it is a picture of a washing machine and the device in a circle with a line through it or some such thing...
Tony getting his beat down for handing me said copy of the instructions for the care and proper handling of his new Sony Walkman MP3 player. Some of his thrashing was also for general sedition as of late. Oh yeah--and some of the beat down belongs to Mike, too.
I haven't decided what to do with my other friends who did not have my back. I'll have to think about that a little more and afford it the creativity it deserves. Beat downs are just fine for the jarheads though.
These pictures are taken out of context. I was ambushed; taken by surprise while my back was turned.
Yeah says you! You had it coming, boy!