Nightmare and poop

on 08 September 2007


I had a nightmare and in the moments after I woke up, walked into the family room where Tony was and explained what my butt was doing vertical at such an early hour----I was sorta still in it...mentally..

Tony: You still have another hour-- what are you doing up??

Me: Man, I had a nightmare!

Tony: laughing then very shit?, too...Robert De Niro was this gangster and he was chasing me.

Me: ROFL...did he catch you?

Tony: dunno... I woke up

Me: shaking of head and more hysterical laughter...

Tony goes back to the book he picked up, originally, I am guessing at about 5 or 6 this morning...what's it called...The Five Families--crime families that is...uh huh. I didn't tell him wasn't necessary and I wasn't in the same mental place after an exchange like that, but I am all about getting things down so here in cyberspace.

Mine was me back as a young teen-- only I looked older and I was duking it out with my father-- not literally just, figuratively. He was back to his Great Santini bit with a double dose of narcissistic personality disorder thrown in--- only we were getting out and he never manages to get me this time, but we are really at it in terms of trying to outmaneuver one another...that is I was manuevering to get everyone out and he knew something was up, but just didn't know what...weird...I woke up before I finished, adrenaline was PUMPING.

Glad Tony was with DeNiro last brought me back to tone in a hilarious way...I am also really grateful he wakes up so early...though it still amazes me that he gets up with the actually he pre-empts the roosters...he is showered and dressed, through at least one paper and several chapters in whatever the book dujour is...anyways it is like he is keeping watch over us...he is always up and vigilant. At least this is what I plug into my mind--lol. I like it.

Gotta get for now...just wanted to jump on and lay my head down for a minute.
Okay so I have been to martial arts it just me or is the new instructor on an ego trip for all the parents watching??? dunno...I think I am sending Tony to that class from now on...he tends to handle his temper better than me...yeah yeah don't go there...

I was a little hung up by Jo's dance studio owner Miss Kissyhuggydarlingsmoochie getting all anal retentive about a website and how I shouldn't try to market using their email addys...ummmm 'scuse me? YOU came to me lady #1 and #2 I assume if you are kissyhuggysdalringsmoochie with me that you trust me-- don't make me distrust you by changing tacks on me-- I'm a homeschooler--- why on God's green Earth would I want your list of parents and what on Earth would I market to them about???...and another thing why would you think I am a marketer to begin with???OH, because YOU market using email lists that you get from other sources ohhhhh...yeah well don't judge me by your standards, don't need to worry about trusting need to worry about me trusting YOU...

Do I stay pissed off and indignant? Yes. No. Yes and no. Sorta. People fascinate me. Seems I am wanting to help them or I am constantly stifling the urge set up accounts for them with political organizations they abhor and or various porn sites depending on their percieved proclivities.

Okay so today I was also setting up the remote on a tv for Mr.Karl ,the guy I bring food and pick up papers from for couponing...He sells the papers at the local grocery store, so on the sidewalk of said store we plug this used tv we had at home into an outdoor outlet. It had to be a weird middleaged woman sitting on a dirty sidewalk with a tv on and an instruction manual, the tv on and this little ol'black guy hunched over anxious to see if it would work...funny...well anyway I don't I think Karl can read and so what's the point of giving it to him if he can't work it??? who cares if people stared---hell if I hadn't been able to figure it out I know I would have been sizing up the clientele walking into the store and hitting somebody up for some THAT would have been really funny...I LOVE talking people into helping... I'm Catholic--guilt is a gift!!

Lessee what else was I thinking about today oh dh is amazing...have I said this lately? THE MAN ROCKS!! We went to Galveston today together and talked about whatever and I am struck by how funny and intelligient this guy is. He mopped floors, vacuumed did laundry, took kids to class, made supper and now at the moment he is chasing the kids aroudn the house with a poopy they sure scattered and Matthew---supplier o' the poop is delighted that his contribution is making such a splash and or splat as soon the case may be, if they keep throwing that thing around like that.

Glad the day is done. All is well.


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